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Immigration Letter for Parents

Immigration Letter for Parents

December 7, 2053

Julia Gallardo
Immigration Services
423 Freedom Road,
Liberty City, 10101

Dear Ms. Julia Gallardo,

I hope this letter finds you well. This is about the purpose of ensuring the successful immigration process for my parents. I am writing to verify and confirm the necessary information that highlights their strong traits and qualities making them suitable applicants for immigration.

My parents have been responsible citizens in their homeland, contributing to society in valuable ways. They have been trustworthy and respectful people, displaying integrity and commitment in their respective fields. Moreover, they have always had a strong desire for better education for their children, and immigrating will offer us better opportunities. Their intentions are sincerely focused on contributing positively to society in this new phase of life.

I kindly request you to consider their immigration application favorably. Their immigration would not only enrich their lives but also allow us, a close-knit family, to live together and support each other as we work towards fulfilling our dreams and aspirations here.

Thank you for considering this request. I believe that my parents' immigration will have a positive influence not just on our family but on the community as a whole. I am ready to provide any further documentation if needed.

Best Regards,

Irene Koch

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