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School Tuition Promissory Note

School Tuition Promissory Note

This promissory note is made on the day of July 27, 2050 and issued by Ava Martin, hereinafter referred to as the "Maker", residing at Makebelieve County, 12345. This document serves as a promise to pay the Principal Sum of $3,000, hereinafter referred to as the “Promised Sum”, and any other fees or interests.

Loan Terms

The Maker agrees to make payments on this Promissory Note for School Tuition by the specified due date. The Promised Sum of $3,000 is designated as a car balance owed by the Maker and comes with no accrual of interest. The Maker is obligated to make full payment of the Promised Sum by July 27, 2051.


If the Maker fails to pay the Promised Sum by the predetermined date, additional fees or legal procedures may be enacted. This document and the actions described within shall be governed by the laws of the state within which the Maker resides.


This Promissory Note is binding upon the Maker, any co-signers, and their respective heirs or assignees. By signing below, the Maker acknowledges their understanding and compliance with the terms and conditions of this Note.


Ava Martin (Maker)


Signature of Payee

Note Templates @ Template.Net