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Utility Cleaner Cover Letter

Utility Cleaner Cover Letter

May 4, 2050

Alexis Sutton

HR Manager

Eco Sweep Cleaners
505 Redwood Lane

Willowdale, TX 75003

Dear Alexis Sutton,

I am writing to apply for the advertised Utility Cleaner position at Eco Sweep Cleaners. With my proven dedication to providing outstanding cleanliness in various facilities and my unwavering commitment to enacting sustainable cleaning practices, I believe my qualifications perfectly fit your requirements for this role.

Over the years, I have gained extensive experience performing diverse cleaning responsibilities, including sanitation, trash disposal, floor care, and maintenance tasks to ensure the facilities' comprehensive cleanliness and visual appeal. My strong interpersonal skills and ability to work effectively in team-based environments are my added advantages.

I am eager to bring my expertise and dedication to work at Eco Sweep Cleaners. Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the possibility of discussing this opportunity further.


Taylor Milan

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