Free Simple Loan Promissory Note Template



Free Simple Loan Promissory Note Template

Simple Loan Promissory Note

This simple note has been created by Liam Davis on the date of January 2, 2050.


  • This note serves as a legal promissory of loan repayment.

  • It empowers financial clarity by clearly outlining the terms and conditions of the loan.

Key Details:

  • Name of Borrower: To be filled.

  • Name of Lender: To be filled.

  • Loan Amount: To be filled.

  • Loan Term: To be filled.

  • Interest Rate: To be filled.


The borrower agrees to repay the loan within the provided time frame, adhering to the agreed repayment schedule and in accordance with the provided terms and conditions.

Consequences of Non-Payment:

Failure to fulfil the agreed repayment may lead to legal consequences. This can include interest accruals, additional late fees, or potential legal action.


By signing this simple loan promissory note, the borrower agrees to the above stated terms and conditions, promising timely loan repayment.


  • Borrower's Signature:

  • Date:

  • Lender's Signature:

  • Date:

Note Templates @ Template.Net