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Occupational Therapy Progress Note

Progress Note


This Progress Note showcases the occupational therapy conducted and the effectiveness of the treatment in improving the patient's overall performance. Prepared by Jessie W. Williams of Solar Sphere Energy, this document outlines our progress and states the specific developments in each step of the therapy process.

Therapy Sessions Date: August 1, 2050 - December 1, 2050

Patient Initials: R.S.

Treatment Plan and Interaction

The first phase of the treatment focused on improving R.S.'s basic motor skills. We employed a series of specialized exercises to gradually enhance his coordination and strength. A remarkable progress was seen in R.S.'s hand-eye coordination as well as his fine motor precision after a month of consistent therapy.

Progress and Outcomes

By the end of November 2050, R.S. demonstrated significant progress in all areas of occupational therapy - personal care, productivity, and leisure activities. He showed marked improvement in dressing, feeding, and bathing independently. In terms of productivity, R.S. was able to complete tasks efficiently without supervision. Leisure activities like painting and playing board games showed improvement, indicating better dexterity and cognitive function.

Next Steps

The next phase of treatment will continue to focus on enhancing R.S.'s independence and functionality. We plan to increase the difficulty of tasks to further improve his complex motor skills and cognitive abilities.

Prepared by: Jessie W. Williams, Occupational Therapist at Solar Sphere Energy

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