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Immigration Letter for B2 Visa

Immigration Letter for B2 Visa

August 31, 2050

Madison Barnett

Case Officer

US Immigration Services

456 Secondary Drive

Los Angeles, CA 48761

Dear Ms. Madison Barnett,

I am sending this letter on behalf of John Martin, who wishes to visit the United States on a B2 visa. John has been one of my best and most trusted friends for over fifteen years, and he is an upstanding and responsible individual.

John plans to visit the US for vacation from November 1st, 2050, to January 1st, 2051, spending the holidays here. His intent is purely leisure and tourism, as he has been dreaming of this trip for years.

John is financially independent and fully capable of accommodating himself during his stay in the US. I wanted to assure you that he has enough resources and also a solid reason to return to Australia after his visit, as he has a family and a stable job waiting for him.

This trip would mean the world to him, and as his friend who knows him well, I believe he would comply with all the rules set by the US Immigration Department.

If you need further information or additional documents, please feel free to contact me via phone or email. Thank you very much for considering John's application, and I look forward to your positive response.

Yours sincerely,

Harper Gardner

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