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Donation Contribution Letter

Donation Contribution Letter

November 3, 2050

Fiona Vasquez

1234 Main Street,
Anytown, USA 12345

Dear Ms. Vasquez,

I hope this letter finds you well. Our organization is committed to making a difference in our local community. Since our establishment, we have provided resources and services that have resulted in much-needed support for countless individuals and families. However, our ability to continue to serve the community largely relies on the generosity of individuals and organizations.

We wanted to reach out to you personally to request a donation. Your contribution, regardless of size, will go directly towards helping us continue our valuable work in the community and will be greatly appreciated. To ensure that your donation goes towards the cause that matters most to you, upon making your donation, simply let us know where you would like to see your funds utilized.

If you would like to see your donation in action, we also host open house events for our donors where they can tour our facility and see our work firsthand. Thank you in advance for your consideration and generosity. Please do not hesitate to reach out if you have any questions.

Kind regards,

Wilma  Bradshaw

Letter Templates @ Template.Net