Free Lesson Note For Secondary School Template


Sarah Wilson


Evergreen Academy


Exploring Historical Revolutions



Lesson Note

Introduction – 10 minutes

We will delve into a comprehensive study of historical revolutions, understanding causes, outcomes and potential lessons. We will analyse how these events shaped societies and how they contribute to our understanding of history and humanity.

Objectives – 10 minutes

  • To understand the causes and impacts of major historical revolutions

  • To analyse the potential lessons from these events

  • To foster critical thinking and historical understanding among the students

  • To develop a comparative analysis ability through the examination of different revolutions.

Activities – 60 minutes

Group Discussion – 20 mins: Split the class into groups and assign them to a notable revolution. Engage them in understanding the causes and consequences of the revolution.

Presentation – 25 mins: Each group is expected to present their analysis, highlighting the lessons learned from the said revolution.

Question and Answer – 15 mins: Students ask questions based on the presentations, furthering the discourse on the topic.

Conclusion – 10 minutes

To wrap up, we will summarize the findings from our discussions and presentations and I will provide closing remarks on the relevance and importance of understanding historical revolutions.

Assessment – 10 minutes

An evaluation questionnaire will be provided for each learner to gauge understanding and to encourage further personal study and critique of historical events.

Materials Needed

  • History textbooks or approved internet resources

  • Presentation tools i.e., projectors and slides

  • Notebooks and pens for notetaking

  • Evaluation questionnaire

Note Templates @ Template.Net