Free School Board Appreciation Note Template



Free School Board Appreciation Note Template

School Note

LogicLayer Solutions

456 Oak Avenue, Austin, TX 78701
222 555 7777

Dear Parent/Guardian,

I am writing to you regarding your child's recent actions at the School. As part of our responsibility to ensure a safe and productive learning environment, we take any incidents that occur in our school currency.

On June 15, 2050, it was reported by several witnesses and confirmed by our security footage that your child engaged in behavior that is contrary to our school's code of conduct. Specifically, your child was involved in a physical altercation with another student. Given the severity of this incident, we are sending this school note to make you aware of the situation.

We understand that these situations can be difficult and it is our intention to treat your child fairly and consistently, according to the guidelines set out in our school's discipline policy. In light of this incident, the school sees it fit to schedule a Parent-Teacher Conference to discuss this matter.

If you have any questions, I encourage you to contact myself or any member of the school administration to discuss this further.

Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Emma Smith

June 25, 2050

Note Templates @ Template.Net