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Speech Therapy Soap Note


Prepared by: Gayla S. Green from Vibrant Vision Studios

Date: 23rd October, 2050

This SOAP Note focuses on the Speech Therapy sessions of Lily Thompson, a 37 year-old female, to properly track her progress, set therapy goals and outline further actions. The SOAP template is broken down into four key sections: Subjective, Objective, Assessment, and Plan. Each section provides crucial information regarding the patient's current condition and future therapy directions.


  • Patient's report of difficulty in speaking clearly

  • Frequent slurring and stuttering during speech

  • Reports feeling frustration stemming from speech difficulty


  • Height: 5'7", Weight: 145 lbs, 37 years old

  • Evidence of articulation errors observed during speech

  • Difficulties in speech fluency


Lily Thompson is experiencing difficulties with speech fluency and clarity, observed as slurring and stuttering. These issues could be causing her significant distress and frustration. Further assessment and a personalized speech therapy plan is required for improvement.


  • Recommendation of regular speech therapy sessions

  • Structured exercises focusing on pronunciation and articulation

  • Empowering patient with coping strategies and techniques to manage frustration

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