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Massage Therapy Treatment Note

Therapy Note

Therapy Date: February 15, 2050

Client ID: ES205001

Session Focus

Emma Smith, a 40-year-old client, came in for her routine massage therapy as part of her ongoing Hospital Therapy treatment plan. Our focus for today's session was primarily on the relief of stress and tension from key problem areas- particularly her shoulders and lower back. Additionally, the client expressed concern regarding constant stiffness in the neck, which was also addressed.

Techniques Used

Various massage techniques were utilized during the session to provide relief and reduce tension. This included deep tissue therapy aimed at the back and shoulders area, as well as a gentler Swedish massage for the neck. We also incorporated some heat therapy and stretching exercises to improve overall flexibility and blood flow.

Areas Addressed

Primarily, the shoulders, lower back, and neck were the key focus areas in this session. Secondary attention was given to Emma's upper back and arms to alleviate any referred tension from the primary problem areas.

Client Response

Emma responded positively to the treatment. She reported immediate relief from her shoulder and back tension, and a distinct reduction in her neck stiffness. She experienced some mild discomfort during the deep tissue massage, which is common, but she expressed that the overall benefits outweighed this short-term discomfort.

Follow-up Recommendations

Based on the positive response to the session, similar treatment will continue in forthcoming Hospital Therapy sessions. To manage the occasional discomfort, we will look to modify the deep tissue techniques used. Furthermore, it is recommended that Emma continue with her stretching exercises at home. The next appointment has been scheduled for February 22, 2050.

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