Free Medical Nutrition Therapy Note Template



Free Medical Nutrition Therapy Note Template

Therapy Note

Carlos Martinez, a 55-year-old male, underwent a therapy session on July 8th, 2050.

Client ID

Mr. Martinez's ID number for hospital records is CM-207H8B.

Dietary Themes

The session focused on Mr. Martinez's dietary habits and how they affect his overall health. We touched on the importance of a balanced diet, portion control, and the need for regular physical exercise in order to boost his metabolism and maintain his health. His diet is currently high in processed foods, sugary drinks and snacks, whereas it is low in fresh fruits, vegetables, and lean proteins.

Nutrition Goals

The primary goal is for Mr. Martinez to initiate a shift towards a healthier, more balanced diet. Goals included increasing his intake of fruits and vegetables, reducing the consumption of processed and sugary foods and beverages, maintaining an appropriate calorie count, and ensuring the intake of adequate fiber for digestive health. Regular physical activity was also emphasized as part of his overall Goal.


Mr. Martinez has shown immense progress since his last hospital therapy. He has lost some weight and reports feeling more energetic and rejuvenated. He is motivated and willing to take the necessary steps towards achieving his health goals. However, there is still room for improvement in his diet and exercise routine.

Future Dietary Plans

A Medical Nutrition Therapy plan was discussed with Mr. Martinez during this session to help him continue and expand his progress. The plan involves increasing his consumption of whole foods, while limiting processed and fast food. Emphasis has been placed on home cooking, mindful eating, and the inclusion of a wider variety of fruits, vegetables, lean protein and whole grains in his diet. In addition, the need for regular physical activity and regular monitoring of medical parameters was also discussed.

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