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Excuse Note For School Sick

Excuse Note

Dear Emily Davis,

I hope this note finds you well. I am writing to you today, carrying with full disclosure, consideration and respect for the school community's collective health. Regrettably, my child (Emily Davis) has been diagnosed with a contagious illness and will not be able to attend school for a certain duration.

The diagnosis came forth from our attending physician and upon their discernment, they recommended complete rest, isolation, and a course of medication for our child. I have attached the doctor’s note to provide further details on the illness and the suggested period of quarantine.

Our priority at this point is to ensure that (Student's name) receives the proper care and recuperation needed, while also safeguarding the health of their peers and school staff. We understand the potential disruption this might cause and appreciate your understanding and cooperation in this regard.

Making Up for Lost Time

While we are fully committed to our child's recovery, we are equally concerned about their academic progress. We believe that this unfortunate situation will only be temporary and once (student's name) has been given the all-clear by the doctor, they are more than willing to catch up on missed lessons, assignments, or coursework.

Should there be any tasks that could be completed from home during this period, we would greatly appreciate if those could be sent to us. This way, (student's name) can maintain a connection with their studies and prevent falling too far behind.

In Conclusion

We deeply value the health, safety, and well-being of the entire school community, and we trust that you understand the reasons for our unavoidable decision. We look forward to reassuming our usual school schedule once this health matter is resolved and appreciate any support you can provide during this period.

Thank you for your time, patience, and understanding.

Best regards,

Michael Smith

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