Free Counselling Case Note Template
Counselling Case Note
Case Number: 2150A-OB-ES
Client ID: 1234567
Prepared By: [Your Name]
Date: September 8, 2050
Case Summary
In this counselling session, the client's challenges have been effectively addressed and explored. We've engaged in discussions revolving around their coping strategies and collaboratively worked on a plan for enhanced support and continuous improvement.
Presenting Challenges
The client reported struggles with stress management due to persistent work-related pressures. They also expressed feelings of social isolation, difficulties maintaining relationships, and recurrent mood swings. These factors contribute to an overall experience of emotional and psychological distress.
Coping Strategies Discussion
We explored several coping strategies including mindfulness techniques, exercise, maintaining a healthy diet, establishing a consistent sleep cycle, and seeking social support. The client showed interest in trying mindfulness techniques and plans to incorporate them into their daily routine.
Support Plan and Goals
We collaboratively developed a plan to provide ongoing support and monitor progress. The goals for the next meeting include practising the mentioned coping strategies and reporting on the experience, potentially increasing social interactions, and reducing work-related stress. We will also explore the possibility of referral to more specialized services if needed.
Plan for the Next Session
The next session will focus on reviewing the effectiveness of the implemented coping strategies, discussing any new challenges, and further refining the support plan. Client commitment to personal growth and self-improvement is essential for progress.
Closing Summary
This counselling session marked a significant step towards the client's journey to better mental health. Their willingness to explore new coping strategies and engagement in the plan development are promising signs of positive future outcomes.
Keywords: Counselling, Coping Strategies, Social Support, Mental Health