Free Urgent Care Hospital Note Template



Free Urgent Care Hospital Note Template

Hospital Note

Global Connect Logistics Hospital

Prepared by: Sarah Wilson

Date: February 20, 2050


This hospital note serves as medical verification of a patient's urgent care visit at the Global Connect Logistics hospital. It documents the patient's condition, the urgency of the treatment required, and the care provided. The note aims to keep all parties involved in the patient's care fully informed about the patient's health status and treatment plan.

Patient Details

Name: (Name of Patient)

Age: (Age of Patient)

Sex: (Sex of Patient)

Medical History

(Patient’s previous health issues, allergies, past surgeries, and any relevant family health history are detailed here)

Presenting Complaints

(A detailed description of the patient's current symptoms, onset, duration, and any factors that may alleviate or aggravate these symptoms)

Physical Examination

(A detailed summary of the results of a thorough physical examination, including findings relevant to the patient's presenting complaints)

Medical Investigations

(An outline of any diagnostic tests ordered, the results, and their implications on the patient's health status)

Plan of Care

(Detailed presentation of the treatment plan, the medications prescribed, any procedures performed, patient instructions, and follow-up plan)


This note is a comprehensive report of the patient's urgent care visit to The Global Connect Logistics hospital. It provides insight into the urgency of the treatment and the rationale behind the care provided. It is essential for coordinating patient care and ensuring continuity and effectiveness of care.

Note Templates @ Template.Net