Free Work Excuse Note From Court Template



Free Work Excuse Note From Court Template

Excuse Note

Subject: Absence Justification - Legal Obligations

Dear James Anderson,

Kindly accept this letter as a formal notification of my absence from work on the date of June 23, 2050. I apologize for not being able to perform my duties as expected and for any inconvenience this may have caused the workflow of our team.

The reason for my absence was owing to necessary court proceedings I was required to attend. As this was a legal commitment and obligation, I was unable to reschedule or defer it, thereby requiring my complete attention and presence for the day.

I understand that my unexpected absence might have disrupted the workflow. I, therefore, am willing and committed to recoup any lost time that resulted from my absence. I am prepared to work extra hours, and I am open to any suggestions you might have on how best I can make up for this lost time.

Thank you for your understanding in this matter. It is important for me to fulfill legal obligations all while ensuring that I fulfill my responsibilities at work. Given the unanticipated nature of these proceedings, I would like to assure you that situations like these are a rarity and I continue to stay committed to my role.

I look forward to your response and guidance on how I should proceed. I am readily available to discuss any details or concerns you may have regarding this matter, with the hopes of ensuring minimal disruption in our work.


Michael Smith

Note Templates @ Template.Net