Free Swedish Death Cleaning Checklist Template



Free Swedish Death Cleaning Checklist Template

Swedish Death Cleaning

Document Organization:

  • Ensure all important documents are neatly organized, including wills, financial records, and insurance policies.

  • Clearly label folders and create a centralized location for easy access.

Personal Belongings:

  • Assess and categorize personal belongings into three main categories: keep, donate, and discard.

  • Consider sentimental value and practicality when deciding on the fate of each item.

Clothing and Accessories:

  • Streamline your wardrobe by donating or discarding clothing that is no longer worn or needed.

  • Organize accessories and footwear, keeping only those items that hold genuine significance.

Sentimental Items:

  • Create a designated space for sentimental items, such as letters, photographs, and mementos.

  • Consider digitizing certain items to preserve memories while reducing physical clutter.

Furniture and Household Items:

  • Evaluate furniture and household items, focusing on functionality and necessity.

  • Donate or discard items that are no longer relevant or in use.

Books and Media:

  • Review your book collection, keeping only those with personal or enduring value.

  • Consider donating books to libraries or charitable organizations.

Digital Assets:

  • Organize digital files, ensuring important documents and memories are easily accessible.

  • Provide clear instructions on managing online accounts and passwords.


  • Communicate your intentions with family members, sharing your decisions and the reasoning behind them.

  • Address any specific requests for certain possessions.

Funeral Arrangements:

  • Clearly outline your preferences for funeral arrangements, easing the decision-making process for your loved ones.

  • Include details on desired ceremonies, burial, or cremation.

Property and Real Estate:

  • Clearly document and communicate plans for property and real estate distribution.

  • Ensure legal and financial matters are in order, providing clarity for your heirs.

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