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Excuse Note

Excuse Note

Dear James Anderson,

I hope this note finds you in good spirits. My name is Sarah Wilson and I am writing to you under unfortunate and unforeseen circumstances that prevent my ability to fulfill my commitments as planned.

The unpredictability of life has intervened in the form of personal matters that I had not anticipated, rendering me unable to attend our scheduled engagements. As much as I tried to counter these circumstances and make plans to juggle my responsibilities, it has sadly been unfeasible. I hope you understand that this was not a decision taken lightly as I truly value our shared goals, plans, and understand the implications of my absence.

I understand that my unavailability may cause inconvenience and I sincerely apologise for this. It is, however, critical for me to resolve these personal matters in order to fully commit to my role and responsibilities in the future.

That said, I am more than willing to make up for any lost time and do whatever is necessary to ensure that this does not hinder our upcoming plans. I am ready to put in the extra hours, carry out any tasks remotely, and catch up on any missed work as soon as I am able. My aim is to seamlessly realign myself with our current standing and projected outcomes.'

Your understanding and co-operation during this trying personal period are deeply appreciated. I am confident that I will soon be back on track, working productively towards our mutual objectives. I am readily available remotely for any clarification or information you may need during my absence.

Once again, thank you for considering my situation. I am looking forward to overcoming this hurdle and being back on board as soon as possible.


Sarah Wilson

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