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Termination Letter to Employee

Termination Letter to Employee

Erik Nikolaus

HR Representative

[email protected]

July 29, 2051

Madison Johnson


[email protected]

Dear Madison Johnson,

This letter serves as an official communication regarding your termination from ABC Industries, effective August 1, 2051. The management has taken this decision considering various factors, including your overall performance, conduct in the workplace, and adherence to our company’s policies.

Despite repeated warnings and a performance improvement plan, there was no substantial improvement in your conduct or job performance. We understand this news can be hard, and we assure you that this decision was taken after careful consideration.

You will receive a separate correspondence detailing any severance benefits you may be entitled to, as per the company policy. You are also required to return any company equipment or property in your possession as soon as possible.


Erik Nikolaus

Letter Templates @ Template.Net