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Apology Note for Bad Behavior

Apology Note

Dear Mr. Debra C. Walton,

I hope this note finds you well and available to read a heartfelt apology from myself. My name is Theresa J. Short, and I am absolutely committed to acknowledging the irrefutable mistake I made.

I am sincerely sorry for my behavior, which I now understand to have been unacceptable and disruptive. I completely acknowledge and understand the negative impact it may have had on you. This was an unforeseen event, and my actions were entirely out of my normal friendly demeanor.

It was never my intention to cause any unnecessary distress or discomfort to you. I am genuinely remorseful and deeply regret my decisions.

I am ardently determined to make positive changes that will prevent a recurrence of such an event. This will include not only self-reflection and self-improvement but also seeking external help where feasible. Making amends is of the utmost importance to me, and I am committed to rectifying the damage done and rebuilding a beneficial and respectful relationship with you.

Once again, I am sorry for my behavior, and I am thankful to you for taking the time to read my apology. I am hopeful that we can move past this event and continue our relationship in a pleasant and mutually respectful manner. Your understanding and forgiveness would be most appreciated.

Yours sincerely,

Theresa J.Short

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