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Job Application Letter for Teacher

Job Application Letter for Teacher

March 5, 2050

Fiona Eder


Radiant Star Academy

606 Ash Street

Hillcrest, CA 90220

Dear Ms. Eder,

I am writing to express my interest in the open teaching position listed on your school's website. With my extensive background in English and math and my teaching certification in both subjects, I am confident I can substantially benefit your school as your next teacher.

Highlights of my qualifications include directing students to a deep understanding of subjects through innovative lesson plans and incorporation of technology, aiding in grasping complex principles while stimulating interest and engagement from students.

I am excited about the opportunity to join your faculty and impact student education positively. Thank you for considering my application. I would love the chance to contribute to your staff and educational goals.

I look forward to discussing this position with you at a more convenient time. I am available at the email address and phone number listed above.

Thank you for considering my application.


Jennie Carlson

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