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Broker Termination Letter

Broker Termination Letter

February 3, 2050

Phoebe Harris
1143 Caynor Circle,
Newark, NJ 07102

Dear Ms. Harris,

This letter serves as a formal notice of termination of the business relationship between us. The purpose of this letter is to inform you that your brokerage services are no longer required or desired. We have decided to end your services effective immediately, as per the termination clause in our agreement. This decision has been made with careful consideration and we believe it aligns best with our business objectives.

We would like to assure you that this termination is in no way a reflection of your professional abilities but purely a business decision. We appreciate all the services you have provided until now. Further communication will detail any final settlements and dues.

I appreciate your prompt attention to this matter. If you require any additional information or documentation to facilitate the termination process, please do not hesitate to contact me at


Tom Thompson

Letter Templates @ Template.Net