Free Vacation Acceptance Letter Template



Free Vacation Acceptance Letter Template

Vacation Acceptance Letter

August 8, 2050

Christopher Turner

HR Manager

Nexus Craft Corporation

404 Oak Lane

Rivertown, TX 85005

Dear Mr. Turner,

I am grateful to acknowledge your official communication dated 1st August 2050, granting me approval for my vacation request. Despite the operational demands, I sincerely appreciate your kind consideration and response to my request.

This break will allow me to rejuvenate and return refreshed to continue contributing more vigor to the organization's growth. I look forward to the vacation period from August 15th to September 15th. As discussed, my responsibilities will be duly taken care of by my assistant during this period.

Once again, thank you for affirming our organization's work-life balance culture. I am indeed grateful for your support and understanding.

Yours sincerely,

Chloe Johnson

Event Coordinator

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