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Termination Employment Letter

Termination Employment Letter

January 15, 2050

Leigh Louise
Graphics Designer

Swift Peak Technologies

505 Redwood Lane

Willowdale, TX 75003

Dear Leigh Louise,

We write to you after several deliberations with the HR Department concerning your work performance.

Despite multiple warnings and provided opportunities for improvement, your continuous failure to meet the expected standards of your position has hampered the productivity of the team and the overall goals of the company. We regret to inform you that we have decided to end your services in our company effective February 15, 2050.

Severance terms and entitlements will follow the guidelines outlined in your employment contract under the termination clause signed upon your hiring. Please rest assured that we have fully considered this decision. While this is unfortunate, continued employment with us is not feasible with current circumstances.

Best of luck in your future endeavors.


Linda Reese

HR Manager

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