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Goods Order Letter

Goods Order Letter

June 2, 2050

Mason Arnold


Swift Trans Solutions

101 Elm Drive,

Hillside, TX 75005

Dear Mr. Arnold,

I am writing to place an order for goods from your esteemed company. I am interested in purchasing the Premium Goods listed in your online catalog on June 1, 2050. I believe these goods align perfectly with the ethos of our brand, and their high quality would greatly benefit our operations.

We would appreciate delivery to the above-stated address on or before July 15, 2050. We intend to make payment via wire transfer within 30 days from the invoice date. Please consider this letter a formal purchase order and proceed according to your policies for shipping and handling to facilitate the shipment.

We look forward to a successful transaction and a continued business relationship. Should you have any questions or need further clarification, do not hesitate to get in touch at the above-mentioned contact.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.

Best regards,

Brittany Smith

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