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Ending Rental Lease Letter

Ending Rental Lease Letter

June 10, 2050

Michael Brown

1243 Park Boulevard,
Kanawha, IA 50447

Dear Mr. Brown,

This letter serves to inform you that I am ending our lease agreement, by the terms written in our contract. The lease agreement for the property located at 1243 Park Boulevard, Kanawha, IA 50447, will be ending on July 20, 2050

A walk-through of the property will be conducted before your move-out aimed at assessing the property condition. Please ensure to fix any damage you may have caused as failure to do so may result in a reduction from your security deposit.

Please remove all personal belongings and leave the property in clean and good condition, as required by our lease agreement, by the termination date. Don't forget to return all keys and cards.

I appreciate your cooperation and attentiveness to these matters. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me at


Heather Collis

Letter Templates @ Template.Net