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Behavioral Interview Questions Guide HR

Behavioral Interview Questions Guide HR


Behavioral interview questions are valuable tools for assessing a candidate's past behavior and experiences as predictors of future performance. This guide is intended to assist HR professionals and interviewers in evaluating candidates for a wide range of positions.

Legal and Ethical Considerations

Ensure all interview questions comply with U.S. employment laws, including those related to discrimination, equal opportunity, and privacy. Avoid questions about protected characteristics such as race, gender, religion, or age.

Core Competencies

Identify key competencies and skills that are universally valuable across positions. Below are sample competencies relevant to HR roles:

  • Communication: Evaluate the candidate's ability to communicate effectively and professionally.

  • Conflict Resolution: Assess the candidate's capacity to handle workplace conflicts and disputes.

  • Organizational Skills: Determine how well the candidate manages time and priorities.

  • Decision-Making: Evaluate the candidate's ability to make informed and ethical decisions.

  • Customer Focus: Assess the candidate's ability to understand and address internal and external customer needs.

  • Teamwork: Evaluate the candidate's ability to collaborate and work well within a team.

Sample Behavioral Interview Questions


  • Can you share an example of a situation where you had to communicate sensitive information to employees or management? How did you handle it?

  • Describe a time when you had to communicate a complex HR policy or procedure to employees. How did you ensure they understood it?

Conflict Resolution

  • Provide an example of a workplace conflict or disagreement you had to mediate or resolve. How did you approach it, and what was the outcome?

  • Can you describe a situation where you had to address an employee's grievance or complaint? How did you handle it to reach a resolution?

Organizational Skills

Tell me about a time when you had to manage multiple HR tasks or projects simultaneously. How did you prioritize and ensure everything was completed efficiently?

  • Provide an example of how you improved an HR process or system to make it more organized and streamlined.


  • Describe a difficult HR-related decision you had to make. What factors did you consider, and how did you arrive at your decision?

  • Can you share a situation where you had to make a decision with ethical implications in HR? How did you ensure it was the right choice?

Customer Focus

  • Give an example of a time when you had to address an employee's or manager's concerns effectively, demonstrating your commitment to customer service.

  • Describe a situation where you had to meet the needs of internal stakeholders (e.g., department heads, executives) while balancing HR policies and regulations. How did you manage it?


    • Share an experience where you had to collaborate with colleagues from different departments or teams on an HR project. How did you ensure effective teamwork and communication?

    • Describe a project where you played a pivotal role within an HR team. What was your contribution, and how did it impact the project's success?

Evaluation Criteria

Use a standardized scoring system to evaluate each candidate's responses based on the competencies and skills relevant to HR roles. Document notes and scores for each question to facilitate objective comparison.

Here’s a sample standardized scoring system:


Score (1- 5)




The candidate effectively conveyed HR policies.

Conflict Resolution


Handled a minor dispute among team members.

Organized Skills


Managed HR tasks efficiently and met deadlines.



Made informed decisions regarding HR policies.

Customer Focus


Demonstrated a strong commitment to customer service.



Collaborated well with cross-functional teams.

Follow-Up Probes

Prepare follow-up questions to delve deeper into a candidate's responses or seek clarification when necessary.

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