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Creative Role Portfolio Review Criteria HR


Employee Information

Name: [Name]

Position: [Job Title]

Department: [Department]

Hire Date: [Month Day, Year]


Rating (1-5)

Creativity and Innovation

  1. Demonstrates creative thinking


  1. Innovates in their role

  1. Contributes to creative projects

  1. Actively seeks innovative solutions

  1. Overall Creativity and Innovation

Project Management

  1. Successfully manages projects

  1. Meets project deadlines

  1. Efficiently allocates resources

  1. Adapts to changing project needs

  1. Overall Project Management

Collaboration and Communication

  1. Collaborates effectively with others

  1. Communicates clearly and concisely

  1. Provides constructive feedback

  1. Engages in teamwork

  1. Overall Collaboration and Communication

Skills and Expertise

  1. Demonstrates expertise in their field

  1. Possesses relevant technical skills

  1. Keeps skills updated

  1. Consistently delivers high-quality work

  1. Overall Skills and Expertise

Adaptability and Learning

  1. Adapts to changes in the industry

  1. Demonstrates a willingness to learn

  1. Pursues professional development

  1. Overall Adaptability and Learning

  1. Overall Performance Rating

Performance Rating (1-5):

Above Average


Employee's Self-Assessment (Optional)

Manager's Comments and Recommendations

Employee Development Plan (if applicable)


Employee: [Name] Date: [Month Day, Year]

Manager: [Your Name] Date: [Month Day, Year]

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