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Delivery Order Letter

Delivery Order Letter

June 1, 2050

Samantha Lee

Purchasing Manager

Pure Sync

101 Pine Street

Hillside, TX 75001

Dear Samantha Lee,

We are pleased to inform you that we have finalized our decision to proceed with the order for the delivery services you provide. We were particularly fond of your package's efficiency and speed, which harmonizes precisely with our business needs. We believe this complements our whole operational chain and enriches our brand's unique identity.

For a smooth transition, we expect the delivery to be carried out as per the discussed timeframes, starting from the latter half of this year. All deliveries should be made at our company's registered address, adhering to all safety and quality standards set.

As per the payment terms agreed upon, we are due to make the first installment by the end of this month. Our accounts department will contact you soon for the necessary paperwork.

We appreciate your cooperation and look forward to a successful collaboration. Should you require further clarification, please feel free to get in touch with our procurement department.

Yours Sincerely,

Eliana Simmons

Purchasing Manager

Prime Cargo Solutions

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