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Non Molestation Order Letter

Non Molestation Order Letter

November 16, 2050

Mr. James Williams
505 Redwood Lane

Willowdale, TX 75003

Dear Mr. Williams,

I am reaching out to notify you of the Non-Molestation Order that has been put into effect immediately on your account. This decision has been made after carefully considering the sequence of events that have transpired recently.

In line with this order, I must clarify that any further disturbances or breaching this order will result in legal action. We expect you to respect this order and cease any forms of contact.

Your adherence to this notification is essential. Otherwise, we will find ourselves in a position requiring law enforcement involvement. We hope it does not reach this stage, but rest assured, we value safety and will take the necessary steps.

I hope you understand the gravity of this situation and will act to rectify your actions. I am confident this step will open up a safe environment as we advance.

Thank you for your immediate attention to this matter.


John Gregory


Gregory's Law Firm

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