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Logical Reasoning Test HR



  1.  Purpose

The primary purpose of this document is to provide a thorough template for designing a Logical Reasoning Test. The test aims to evaluate candidates' ability to think analytically and solve problems, both crucial skills for most job roles. The intention is not just to assess the correctness of an answer but also to understand the approach taken to arrive at that answer.

  1.  Scope

This document outlines the structure, content, administrative details, and grading criteria of the Logical Reasoning Test. While it covers the general framework and procedures, specific test questions are not included; these should be developed separately, following the guidelines herein.

  1.  Target Audience

The intended readership includes but is not limited to:

  • Human Resource Managers

  • Hiring Teams

  • Test Administrators

  • Job Consultants

  1.  Document Conventions

  • Bold: For highlighting important terms and titles.

  • Italics: For emphasizing notes, instructions, or optional elements.

  • [Placeholders]: Texts enclosed in square brackets are placeholders that should be replaced with specific information.

Objectives of the Logical Reasoning Test

  1.  Core Competencies

The test aims to assess the following core competencies:

  • Analytical Thinking: The ability to break down complex information or comprehensive data into fundamental parts or basic principles.

  • Problem-Solving: The capacity for finding solutions to difficult or complex issues.

  • Decision Making: Evaluating multiple options and selecting the most appropriate course of action.

  • Pattern Recognition: Identifying patterns and making connections between disparate pieces of information.

  1.  Measurement Metrics

The following metrics will be used to evaluate candidates:


Evaluation Method

Weightage (%)

Numbers of correct answers

Count of accurately answered questions


Time taken

Speed of completing the test


Quality of Explanations

Assessment of the logic and coherence in written explanations


Pre-Assessment Preparations

  1. Test Administration

  • Administrator’s Name: [Name of the person administering the test]

  • Date: [Test Date, e.g., January 1, 2051]

  • Venue: [Physical or virtual location where the test will be administered]

  1.  Technology Requirements

Candidates will need the following:

  • A computer with a stable internet connection.

  • Updated browser for accessing the test portal.

  • Webcam and microphone for remote proctoring, if applicable.

  1.  Test Timing

  • Duration: The test is designed to be completed in 60 minutes.

  • Timing Restrictions: No breaks are allowed during the test.

Test Format

  1. Question Types

The test comprises the following types of questions:

  • Multiple-Choice Questions (MCQs): Designed to assess analytical thinking and decision-making.

  • True/False Statements: To assess basic knowledge and pattern recognition.

  • Scenario-Based Questions: For evaluating problem-solving skills in real-world situations.

  1.  Grading Criteria

The following table outlines the grading scheme:

Question Type

Points Per Question

Maximum Points




True or False






Test Scenarios

  1. Sample Questions

MCQs: What is the next number in the sequence 2, 6, 12, 20?


  1. 30

  2. 32

  3. 28

  4. 34

True/False: If all roses are flowers and some flowers fade quickly, then some roses fade quickly.

  • True

  • False

Scenario-Based: How would you address a situation where you have to optimize an underperforming system within a tight deadline?

Post-Assessment Procedures

  1. Scoring

  • MCQs: 2 points will be awarded for each correct answer.

  • True/False: 1 point will be awarded for each correct answer.

  • Scenario-Based: Up to 5 points will be awarded based on the quality, depth, and applicability of the answer.

  1. Feedback Mechanism

Each candidate will receive a comprehensive report detailing their performance on each question type, along with overall scores and insights for improvement. This report will be sent within five business days post-assessment.

  1. Candidate Review

For candidates wishing to discuss their results in detail, a review meeting can be scheduled with the HR team or the test administrator.



Responsible Person

Initial contact

Email sent to the candidate offering an opportunity for a review

HR Manager


Candidate selects a suitable time from the options provided



In-depth discussion on test performance and feedback

HR Manager/Test Admin

Compliance and Confidentiality

  1. Legal Guidelines

  • ADA Compliance: The test will be designed to be accessible, adhering to the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).

  • EEOC Guidelines: Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) guidelines will be followed to ensure the test does not discriminate against any demographic.

  1. Data Security

  • All test results are confidential and will only be disclosed to authorized personnel.

  • Candidate data will be securely stored and encrypted to prevent unauthorized access.

HR Templates @ Template.Net