Free Employee Benefits Compliance Checklist Template

Employee Compensation Checklist

Employee Name:

[employee name]

Employee Position:

[employee position]

Company Name:

[your company name]

Created by:

[your name]

This checklist is crafted for Insightful Innovations to ensure that all employee benefits meet legal, regulatory, and policy standards. Please tick the checkbox of the tasks as they are completed.

Healthcare Benefits:

Have all eligible employees been offered health insurance coverage?

  • yes

  • no

Is the health insurance plan compliant with the Affordable Care Act (ACA)?

  • yes

  • no

Have required notices, such as the Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC), been provided to employees?

  • yes

  • no

Are employee contributions for health insurance within the limits set by regulations?

  • yes

  • no

Retirement Benefits:

Do you offer a retirement plan such as a 401(k) or pension plan?

  • yes

  • no

Is the retirement plan administered in accordance with the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA)?

  • yes

  • no

Are employee contributions and employer matches being handled correctly?

  • yes

  • no

Have required disclosures, like Summary Plan Descriptions (SPDs), been distributed to participants?

  • yes

  • no

Leave Benefits:

Do you comply with federal and state laws regarding leave entitlements such as Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) and paid sick leave?

  • yes

  • no

Are employees properly informed about their leave rights and procedures for requesting leave?

  • yes

  • no

Is leave usage tracked accurately and consistently for all employees?

  • yes

  • no

Other Benefits:

Are other benefits such as tuition assistance or transportation benefits offered in compliance with applicable laws?

  • yes

  • no

Have required documents, such as COBRA notices or HIPAA privacy notices, been provided to employees as necessary?

  • yes

  • no

Are benefits provided equally to all eligible employees without discrimination?

  • yes

  • no

Recordkeeping and Reporting:

Are records related to employee benefits maintained accurately and securely?

  • yes

  • no

Are required reports, filings, and disclosures submitted to regulatory agencies on time?

  • yes

  • no

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