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Employee Retention Survey HR



Instruction: Please complete this form and submit it to the HR Department.





  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • Finance

  • Other:

Years with the Company:

  • Less than 1

  • 1-3

  • 4-6

  • 7-10

  • More than 10


  • Sales

  • Marketing

  • Finance

  • Other:

Job Satisfaction

How satisfied are you with your current role?


  •          Very Dissatisfied

  •          Dissatisfied

  •          Neutral

  •          Satisfied

  •         Very Satisfied

What aspects of your job do you find most satisfying?


  •          Task Variety

  •          Job Security

  •          Collaboration

  •          Autonomy

  •          Other:

Work Environment

How would you rate the work environment?


  •          Poor

  •          Fair

  •          Good

  •          Excellent

What improvements would you suggest for the work environment?



Career Development

Are there sufficient opportunities for career advancement?


  •          Strongly Disagree

  •          Disagree

  •          Neutral

  •          Agree

  •          Strongly Agree

Do you feel your skills are effectively utilized?


  •          Yes

  •          No

Leadership and Management

How effective is the communication from management?


  •          Very Ineffective

  •          Ineffective

  •          Neutral

  •          Effective

  •          Very Effective

Do you feel valued by your supervisors?


  •          Yes

  •          No

Compensation and Benefits

How satisfied are you with your current compensation and benefits?


  •          Very Dissatisfied

  •          Dissatisfied

  •          Neutral

  •          Satisfied

  •          Very Satisfied


Section 7: Work-Life Balance

Do you think the company supports a healthy work-life balance?


  •          Yes

  •          No

Section 8: Employee Engagement

Do you feel engaged with your work?


  •          Yes

  •          No

What activities or initiatives would improve your engagement?



Overall Satisfaction

Overall, how satisfied are you working at [Your Company Name]?

  •          Very Dissatisfied

  •          Dissatisfied

  •          Neutral

  •          Satisfied

  •          Very Satisfied



Thank you for participating in this Employee Retention Survey. Your feedback is crucial for making [Your Company Name] a better place to work.

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