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Employee Referral Program Document HR

Employee Referral Program

Program Overview

At [Your Company Name], we believe that our employees are our greatest asset. We also recognize that our employees are a valuable source of talent and can play a significant role in the growth and success of our organization. To encourage our employees to refer qualified candidates, we have established the Employee Referral Program.

Program Objectives

The Employee Referral Program aims to achieve the following objectives:

  • Attract top talent: Encourage our employees to refer candidates who are well-suited for available positions within the company.

  • Employee engagement: Promote employee engagement and involvement in the recruitment process by rewarding them for their referrals.

  • Cost-effective recruitment: Reduce recruitment costs by tapping into the network and expertise of our existing employees.


All regular, full-time employees of [Your Company Name] are eligible to participate in the Employee Referral Program. Temporary, part-time, and contract employees are not eligible to participate.

Program Guidelines

  1. Referral Submission:

  • To refer a candidate, employees must complete the Employee Referral Form, which is available on the company's intranet.

  • The referring employee must submit the referral before the candidate applies for the position.

  • Referrals must include the candidate's resume and contact information.

  1. Candidate Eligibility:

  • Referred candidates must meet the minimum qualifications for the position.

  • The referred candidate should not be a current or former employee of [Your Company Name] within the past six months.

  1. Rewards:

  • Employees will be eligible for a referral bonus if their referred candidate is hired and successfully completes the probationary period (typically 90 days).

  • The referral bonus amount will vary depending on the position and may be subject to change at the discretion of the HR department.

  • Taxes will be withheld from the referral bonus, as required by law.

  1. Communication:

  • The HR department will keep employees informed about the status of their referrals.

  • Employees will be notified via email if their referred candidate is selected for an interview.

  • HR will communicate the final hiring decision to the referring employee.

  1. Confidentiality:

  • Employees are expected to maintain the confidentiality of all candidate information shared during the referral process.

  • Disclosing a candidate's application status to anyone other than HR is strictly prohibited.

Program Administrator

The HR department will administer the Employee Referral Program, including the processing of referrals, communication with referring employees, and distribution of referral bonuses.

Program Duration

The Employee Referral Program will be an ongoing initiative, subject to periodic review and modification by the HR department.


[Your Company Name] is an equal opportunity employer, and all referrals will be evaluated based on their qualifications and suitability for the position, without regard to race, color, religion, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin, age, or disability.


[Your Company Name] reserves the right to modify, suspend, or terminate the Employee Referral Program at any time and for any reason. Referral bonuses are subject to applicable taxes and deductions.

Thank you for your active participation in the Employee Referral Program. Your contributions play a vital role in helping us build a talented and diverse workforce.

For questions or additional information, please contact the HR department at [Your Company Email].

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