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Exit Interview Questionnaire HR


Employee Information


Kier Fallon



Last Working Date

Supervisor's Name

Please take a moment to provide us with your feedback as you prepare to leave our organization. Your honest responses will help us understand your experience and make improvements where necessary.

Reasons for Leaving

  1. What prompted your decision to leave the company?

My family has decided to move to another state, and I want to live and accompany them in their new neighborhood.

  1. Were there any specific issues or concerns that influenced your decision?

  1. Did you feel your career goals aligned with the opportunities at our organization? Please explain.

Job Satisfaction

  1. How satisfied were you with your role and its responsibilities?

  1. Did you receive adequate support and resources to perform your job effectively?

  1. Were your contributions recognized and appreciated?

  1. What aspects of your job did you find most fulfilling, and which aspects were the least satisfying?

Work Environment

  1. How would you describe the work culture at our organization?

  1. Did you feel comfortable sharing your ideas and concerns with your colleagues and superiors?

  1. Were there any instances of harassment or discrimination that you experienced or witnessed during your time here?

Supervision and Leadership

  1. How would you rate your relationship with your immediate supervisor?

  1. Did you receive constructive feedback and guidance from your supervisor?

  1. Were your career development needs adequately addressed?

  1. Do you have any suggestions for improving the leadership within your department or the company?

Training and Development

  1. Did you feel the company invested in your professional growth and development?

  1. Were there any training opportunities you would have liked to have access to but didn't?

  1. How could we enhance our training and development programs for employees in your role?

Team Dynamics

  1. How would you describe your working relationships with colleagues and team members?

  1. Were there any challenges or conflicts within your team that affected your work experience?

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