Internal Transfer Contract HR



This Internal Transfer Contract ("Contract") is entered into on May 20, 2050, between [Your Company Name], a company organized and existing under the laws of California, with its principal place of business at [Your Company Address] ("Company"), and [Name], herein referred to as the "Employee."

WHEREAS, the Company seeks to facilitate the internal transfer of the Employee to a different position within the organization;

WHEREAS, the Employee possesses the necessary qualifications and skills to fulfill the responsibilities of the new position effectively

NOW, THEREFORE, taking into account the promises, commitments, and agreements outlined in this Contract, and for additional valuable and satisfactory consideration, which has been duly recognized, the Parties hereby consent to the following terms


  1. Current Position: As of the Effective Date of this Contract, the Employee holds the position of Financial Analyst, which will be referred to as the "Current Internal Transfer Position."

  2. New Position: Pursuant to this Internal Transfer Contract, the Employee will transition to the position of Chief Financial Officer (CFO), hereinafter referred to as the "New Internal Transfer Position”, effective June 15, 2050.


The Employee acknowledges and agrees to undertake the responsibilities and duties associated with the New Internal Transfer Position, as described in the job description provided by the Company.


The Employee shall report to John Dylan in the New Internal Transfer Position. The reporting relationship may be subject to change at the discretion of the Company.


This internal transfer shall become effective on May 20, 2050, and the Employee shall assume the duties of the New Internal Transfer Position on or before the aforementioned date.


The internal transfer is considered permanent. Any extension or termination of this transfer will be subject to the terms outlined in this Contract.


The Employee is expected to meet or exceed the performance standards established for the New Internal Transfer Position. Specific performance goals and expectations are detailed in the performance plan provided by the Company.


The Employee's compensation for the New Internal Transfer Position will be adjusted in accordance with the Company's internal transfer compensation policy, effective from the transfer date. Specific details of the compensation adjustment are outlined in the relevant compensation addendum attached hereto.


  1. Continuation of Employee Benefits: Throughout the internal transfer, the Employee's existing benefits package shall remain in effect, consistent with the terms and conditions established in the Company's employee benefits policy. This includes, but is not limited to, health insurance coverage, retirement benefits, and other employee perks as outlined in the Company's policies and procedures manual.

  2. Modification of Benefits: The Company reserves the right to modify the Employee's benefits, including health insurance premiums, coverage levels, and retirement plan contributions, in accordance with any changes made to the Company's overall benefits structure during the internal transfer. Such modifications will be communicated to the Employee in writing and in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.

  3. Communication of Changes: In the event of any changes to the Employee's benefits or perks, the Company will provide reasonable advance notice to the Employee to ensure a smooth transition and understanding of the implications.

  1. Benefits Enrollment: The Employee will be required to complete any necessary benefits enrollment or modification forms as directed by the Company's HR department to ensure the accurate administration of benefits during and after the internal transfer.


If, for any reason, this internal transfer is not successful, or the Employee wishes to revert to their previous role, the terms for reversion or termination shall be subject to the Company's internal transfer reversion policy, as outlined in the internal transfer reversion procedure document.


  1. Confidentiality Obligations: The Employee acknowledges and agrees to the strict adherence to the Company's confidentiality policies during and after the internal transfer. The Employee shall not, without proper authorization, disclose or use for personal gain any confidential information, proprietary data, trade secrets, or intellectual property of the Company acquired during the course of employment, including information related to customers, suppliers, business strategies, and operational practices. This confidentiality obligation extends indefinitely beyond the termination of this internal transfer and the Employee's employment with the Company.

  1. Non-compete Agreement: During the term of this internal transfer and for a period of 12 months following its termination, the Employee agrees not to engage in any employment, consulting, or business activity that directly competes with the Company's business or is substantially similar to the Employee's New Internal Transfer Position. This non-compete provision shall apply within a 50-mile radius from the Company's principal place of business. The Employee acknowledges that this non-compete clause is reasonable in scope and necessary to protect the Company's legitimate business interests.

  2. Non-solicitation of Clients and Employees: The Employee further agrees that, during the aforementioned non-compete period, they shall not directly or indirectly solicit, induce, or attempt to solicit or induce any of the Company's clients, customers, or employees to cease or reduce their business relationships with the Company or to enter into employment relationships with any other organization.

  3. Return of Company Property: Upon the termination of this internal transfer, whether due to reversion or otherwise, the Employee shall promptly return all Company-owned property, including but not limited to documents, records, equipment, and any other materials, in their possession or control.

  4. Enforceability: The Parties acknowledge that the provisions of this Confidentiality and Non-compete Clauses section are reasonable and necessary to protect the Company's legitimate business interests. The Employee further acknowledges that any breach of these provisions may result in legal action and remedies available under applicable law.


This Contract shall be governed by and construed in accordance with the laws of California.

IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the Parties hereto have executed this Internal Transfer Contract as of the Effective Date, intending to be legally bound hereby.


[Your Company Name]

[Your Name]

[Month Day, Year]



[Month Day, Year]

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