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Employee Authorization Letter

Employee Authorization Letter

Rachel Price

1 Hart Street,

[email protected]

July 22, 2052

Mia Kelly

16 Kerma Crescent,

Dear Ms. Kelly,

We hereby authorise Mia Kelly to act on behalf of Hugh Woods for specific responsibilities outlined herein. This Employee Authorisation Letter confirms that Mia Kelly has the authority to perform tasks, access information, and represent our organisation in designated capacities.

The authorised responsibilities encompass managing office operations, and organising documents. We trust that Mia Kelly will execute these responsibilities diligently, adhering to our company's policies, standards, and ethical guidelines. This authorisation is valid for the month of August 2052.

Please recognise and respect the authority granted to Mia Kelly as detailed in this letter. Any queries, concerns, or clarifications regarding this authorisation should be directed to Rachel Price, Administrative Specialist, at [email protected] and in this contact number 222 555 7777.

We appreciate your cooperation and understanding in recognising the authority vested in Mia Kelly during the specified period. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Best Regards,

Rachel Price

Letter Templates @ Template.Net