Free Diversity and Inclusion Survey HR Template



Free Diversity and Inclusion Survey HR Template


Dear Team Member,

At [Your Company Name], we are committed to fostering a diverse and inclusive workplace where all employees feel valued, respected, and empowered. Your feedback is invaluable in helping us enhance our efforts in this regard. Please take a few minutes to complete this anonymous survey.

Demographic Information (Optional)

Gender Identity

  • Male

  • Non-binary/genderqueer

  • Female

  • Prefer not to say


  •  Under 18

  • 18-24

  • 25-34

  • 35-44

  • 45-54

  • 55-64

  • 65 or older

  • Prefer not to say

Race/Ethnicity (Select all that apply)

  • White/Caucasian

  • Black/African American Hispanic/Latinx

  • Asian/Pacific Islander

  • Native American/Alaskan Native

  • Multiracial

  • Other (please specify): ________

  • Prefer not to say

Inclusion and Workplace Culture

 1.    I feel valued and respected at [Your Company Name].

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree


2.    [Your Company Name] promotes an inclusive work environment.

  • Strongly Agree

  • Agree

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree


3. Have you ever experienced or witnessed discrimination, bias, or harassment at work related to your identity (e.g., race, gender, sexual orientation, age)? Please share your experience (optional).


Workplace Practices

1. Are you aware of [Your Company Name] diversity and inclusion policies and initiatives?

  • Yes

  • No

2.  How effective do you think our current diversity and inclusion programs are?

  • Very Effective

  • Somewhat Effective

  • Not Effective

  • I'm not sure

3.    What additional programs or initiatives would you like to see at [Your Company Name] to promote diversity and inclusion?



Suggestions and Comments

1.    Overall, how satisfied are you with your experience working at [Your Company Name]?

  • Very Satisfied

  • Satisfied

  • Neutral

  • Disagree

  • Strongly Disagree


2.    Do you feel that diversity and inclusion efforts at [Your Company Name] positively impact your overall job satisfaction?

  • Yes

  • No

3.    Do you have any suggestions or comments on how we can improve diversity and inclusion at [Your Company Name]?



Your responses are anonymous and confidential. Thank you for your participation in this survey. Your feedback will help us continue to build a more diverse and inclusive workplace.


[Your Name]
[Your Company Name]

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