Free Orientation Day Feedback Form HR Template



Free Orientation Day Feedback Form HR Template

Orientation Day Feedback Form

Participant’s Name:

Date of Orientation:

Instruction : For each of the following categories, please use the scale of 1 to 5 to rate your experience:

1 - Poor

2 - Below Average

  3 - Average

4 - Above Average

5 - Excellent








Overall Organization of the Orientation

Relevance of Information Presented

Clarity of Communication

Helpfulness of Orientation Staff

Facility and Amenities

Materials and Resources



I found the orientation day to be generally informative and well-organized. However, there are a few areas where I believe some improvements could be made:

Interactive Sessions: While the presentations were informative, incorporating more interactive sessions or group activities could make the orientation more engaging and memorable.

Timeliness: Some of the sessions ran longer than scheduled, which caused a bit of overlap and rushed through certain topics. Ensuring that sessions start and end on time would be beneficial.

Overall, I appreciate the effort put into the orientation, and I believe that these suggested improvements could enhance the experience for future participants. Thank you for considering my feedback.

Privacy Notice: Your feedback is valuable to us and will be used solely for the purpose of  improving our orientation programs. Your responses will remain confidential in accordance with applicable privacy laws and regulations.

Thank you for your time and participation!

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