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Onboarding Milestones Checklist HR

Onboarding Milestones Checklist

This checklist is your guide to a successful onboarding experience. We're here to support your journey and help you integrate seamlessly into our team. If you have questions or feedback, don't hesitate to reach out to your mentor or our HR team.


Week 1: Pre-Onboarding

Send a welcome email to the employee with onboarding details and schedule.

Prepare the employee's workstation with a computer, software licenses, and necessary equipment.

Create login credentials for email, company systems, and relevant software tools.

Assemble an onboarding welcome kit with company swag and an employee handbook.

Week 2: Orientation And Documentation

Conduct a company orientation session to introduce the employee to [Your Company Name]'s mission, vision, and culture.

Review and complete all necessary HR paperwork, including tax forms and benefits enrollment.

Provide the employee with a copy of the employee handbook and go over company policies and procedures.

Schedule a tour of the office and introduce the employee to team members and department heads.

Week 3: Technical Training

Assign a mentor for technical onboarding.

Provide access to company coding standards and best practices documents.

Schedule training sessions on programming languages and development tools used at [Your Company Name].

Set up the employee’s development environment and ensure all necessary software is installed.

Week 4: Company Tools And Systems

Conduct training on the company's version control system (e.g., Git) and collaboration tools (e.g., Slack).

Provide access and training for project management and issue tracking tools (e.g., Jira).

Explain the process for submitting code reviews and how the CI/CD pipeline works.

Week 5: Benefits And Compensation

Review the employee's compensation package, including salary, bonuses, and benefits.

Help the employee enroll in the company's health insurance plan and other applicable benefits.

Explain the process for tracking time, requesting time off, and using the company's paid time off (PTO) system.

Week 6: Performance Expectations

Set clear expectations for the employee's role, including job responsibilities and performance goals.

Discuss the company's performance review process and when the employee can expect their first performance evaluation.

Provide guidance on how to seek feedback and address any concerns or questions.

Week 7: Safety And Security

Review the company's safety protocols, including emergency evacuation procedures.

Ensure the employee understands security measures, including data protection and cybersecurity best practices.

Provide access cards and explain building access procedures.

Week 8: Team Integration And Social Activities

Arrange a team lunch or virtual meeting to facilitate social integration.

Encourage the employee to participate in team meetings and collaborate with colleagues on projects.

Share information about upcoming company social events or gatherings.

Ongoing: Follow-Up And Feedback

Schedule regular check-ins with the employee to address questions and concerns.

Create a feedback loop for the employee to provide input on the onboarding process.

Continuously assess progress and adjust the onboarding plan as needed.

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