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External Training SLA HR

External Training Service Learning Agreement

External Training Service Level Agreement (SLA)

Effective Date: September 14, 2050


This Service Level Agreement ("SLA") is entered into between:

  1. [Company Name] (hereinafter referred to as "Client"), represented by [Your Name], Senior Learning & Development Manager.

  2. Professional Training Solutions (hereinafter referred to as "Provider"), represented by Sarah Baker, CEO.

1. Scope of Services:

The Provider shall deliver the following training services to the Client:

Training Program

Advanced Leadership Development Program


A comprehensive leadership development program aimed at enhancing leadership skills and strategic thinking


6 months

Start Date

October 1, 2050

2. Service Levels:

The Provider agrees to meet the following service levels during the term of this SLA:

Training Quality

The training content shall meet industry standards and best practices for leadership development

Completion Rates

The Provider shall strive for a minimum course completion rate of 90%

Learner Satisfaction

The Provider shall maintain a learner satisfaction rating of at least 4.5 out of 5 based on post-training evaluations


All training sessions and materials shall be delivered according to the agreed-upon schedule

3. Responsibilities:

Client Responsibilities:

  • Provide access to necessary facilities and equipment for training sessions.

  • Designate a contact person for communication with the Provider.

  • Pay all agreed-upon fees and expenses in a timely manner.

Provider Responsibilities:

  • Develop and deliver high-quality training content.

  • Ensure that training materials are up-to-date and relevant.

  • Provide experienced trainers and support staff as required.

  • Deliver training sessions as per the agreed schedule.

4. Timeline:

The training program shall commence on October 1, 2050, and continue until March 31, 2024, unless otherwise extended by mutual agreement.

5. Payment Terms:

The Client shall pay the Provider according to the following terms:

Payment Schedule



Invoices shall be submitted by the Provider on the 1st of each month and paid by the Client within 30 days

6. Quality Assurance:

The Provider shall implement a continuous quality assurance process to monitor and improve training services. This may include regular feedback sessions, evaluations, and adjustments as necessary.

7. Data and Reporting:

The Provider shall provide the Client with regular reports on training progress, including learner performance, completion rates, and any issues or concerns. Reports shall be delivered quarterly in PDF format.

8. Confidentiality:

Both parties agree to maintain the confidentiality of any proprietary or sensitive information exchanged during the course of this agreement.

9. Termination and Exit Strategy:

Either party may terminate this agreement with a 60-day written notice. Upon termination, the Provider shall assist in the transition of training responsibilities back to the Client or a new provider, as applicable.

10. Dispute Resolution:

In the event of disputes or conflicts arising under this SLA, both parties agree to engage in good-faith negotiations to reach a resolution. If necessary, disputes shall be escalated to mediation or arbitration as a final recourse.

11. Legal and Compliance Requirements:

The Provider shall comply with all relevant laws, regulations, and industry standards pertaining to the training services provided.

This SLA represents the entire agreement between the Client and the Provider with respect to external training services and supersedes any prior agreements or understandings.


_____________________________ _____________________________

[Your Name] Sarah Johnson

Senior Learning & Development Manager CEO

[Company Name] Professional Training Solutions

Date: September 14, 2050 Date: September 14, 2050

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