Free New Hire Training Rubric HR Template



Free New Hire Training Rubric HR Template



Exceeds Expectations


Approaching Expectations



Company Policies & Culture

Demonstrates in-depth understanding and acts as a culture champion.

Understands and follows company policies consistently.

Shows basic awareness but occasionally needs reminders.

Frequently violates or is unaware of policies.

Shows little to no understanding; violates policies regularly.

Technical Skills (Job-specific)

Performs tasks seamlessly, takes initiative to learn beyond scope.

Performs tasks accurately with little guidance.

Needs frequent assistance but shows potential.

Struggles with tasks despite training.

Unable to perform basic tasks.

Software & Tools Proficiency

Navigates all tools with expertise, helps others.

Uses tools proficiently for daily tasks.

Familiar with tools but needs occasional help.

Struggles to use essential software/tools.

Cannot operate basic tools even with assistance.

Communication Skills

Articulates ideas clearly; excels in all communication forms.

Communicates effectively with team members.

Occasionally unclear; needs feedback for improvement.

Often misunderstood or misinterprets information.

Unable to communicate ideas or understand others effectively.

Team Collaboration

Actively collaborates, brings new ideas, and supports teammates.

Works well with team members and contributes.

Participates but may occasionally work in silos.

Rarely collaborates; prefers to work alone.

Does not engage with team; disrupts group dynamics.

Problem Solving

Demonstrates high analytical skills; anticipates and resolves issues proactively.

Solves most problems independently or with minimal guidance.

Addresses problems when pointed out; requires guidance.

Often overlooks problems or struggles to find solutions.

Waits for others to solve problems or ignores them.

Feedback Reception

Actively seeks feedback and implements changes immediately.

Accepts feedback positively and makes adjustments.

Somewhat receptive but defensive at times.

Often dismisses feedback or reacts negatively.

Rejects feedback; shows no interest in growth.


  • Each criteria should be evaluated based on observations during the training period.

  • It's crucial to provide constructive feedback, especially if the new hire is "Approaching Expectations" or below.

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