Free Handbook Template



Free Handbook Template


Version 1.0, Date: 01/01/2050


Welcome to [YOUR COMPANY NAME]! We're glad to have you on board. This handbook is designed to assist you through your onboarding process. The primary aim is to provide you with all the necessary guidelines and information you need to kickstart your journey with us.

Table of Contents


  2. Your First Day

  3. Meeting Your Team

  4. Training

  5. Employee Resources

  6. Policies and Guidelines


Understanding our company's mission, values, and culture is key to contributing meaningfully. In this section, you will get to know [YOUR COMPANY NAME] better. We highly recommend that you familiarize yourself with this information.

Your First Day

This section outlines what you can expect on your first day here at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. You'll learn everything from where to park, how to set up your workstation, who to meet, and more. We aim to make your transition as smooth as possible.

Meeting Your Team

One of the first things you'll do here at [YOUR COMPANY NAME] is meet your team. You'll get an overview of everyone's role, how your role fits into the team, and who you can turn to for various needs. This section provides more details on that process.


In this section, you'll find detailed information about the training you'll undergo at [YOUR COMPANY NAME]. We believe that proper training will help you maximize your performance and enjoyment at our company.

Employee Resources

Here at [YOUR COMPANY NAME], we want to ensure that every employee has access to all the resources they need. This section provides an overview of all available resources for employees. This includes HR contacts, IT support, benefits information, and more.

Policies and Guidelines

To ensure harmonious operations, we employ a set of policies and guidelines that all employees are expected to adhere to. This section will help you understand our expectations of you and your conduct in the company.