Survival Camping Checklist

Campsite Necessities

When preparing for a camping trip, it's crucial to have a comprehensive checklist to ensure you have everything you need for survival and comfort in the great outdoors. This checklist covers the essential items required for a successful camping adventure.


Tick the checkboxes next to each item as you gather and pack them for your camping trip. Ensure you have the necessary quantities for the number of people in your group and the duration of your stay. Review the checklist before departing to ensure nothing essential is left behind, enhancing your preparedness for a safe and enjoyable camping experience.

Gear and Equipment:

  • Tent: 1

  • Sleeping bag: 1 per person

  • Sleeping pad or mattress: 1 per person

  • Camping stove: 1

  • Fuel for stove: appropriate amount

  • Lighter or matches: 1 pack

  • Cooking utensils (pot, pan, spatula, etc.): 1 set

  • Portable water filter or purification tablets: as needed

  • Multi-tool or knife: 1

  • Rope or cord: 1 roll

  • Lantern or flashlight: 1 per person

  • Extra batteries: as needed

  • Backpack: 1 per person

  • Compass or GPS device: 1

  • Map of the area: 1

  • First aid kit: 1

  • Whistle: 1

  • Emergency blanket: 1

  • Duct tape: 1 roll

  • Waterproof bags or containers: as needed


  • Moisture-wicking base layers: 1 set per day

  • Insulating layers (fleece or down jacket): 1

  • Waterproof and windproof jacket: 1

  • Hiking pants/shorts: 1 pair per day

  • Sturdy hiking boots or shoes: 1 pair

  • Extra socks: 2 pairs per day

  • Hat or cap: 1

  • Gloves: 1 pair

  • Sunglasses: 1

Food and Water:

  • Non-perishable food items (canned goods, granola bars, etc.): as needed

  • Freeze-dried meals: as needed

  • Snacks: as needed

  • Drinking water: 2 liters per person per day

Personal Items:

  • Toothbrush and toothpaste: 1 set

  • Biodegradable soap: 1 bottle

  • Toilet paper: 1 roll

  • Sunscreen: as needed

  • Insect repellent: as needed

  • Personal medications: as needed


  • Always inform someone of your camping location and estimated return time.

  • Check the weather forecast and camping area restrictions before your trip.

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