Incident Report

Incident Report


John Smith

Reported By


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Contact Number


Incident Details

Date and Time: 12th May, 2050, 2:00 PM
Location: Third Floor Hallway
Description: John Smith slipped and fell due to a leaking water cooler in the third-floor hallway, resulting in a sprained ankle. Despite warning signs, the incident occurred, with witnesses reporting a prolonged leak from the cooler.

Immediate Actions Taken

John was immediately tended to and given the necessary first aid. The incident was promptly reported to the supervisor and the HR department.

Corrective Measures

As a precautionary measure, the water cooler was fixed promptly, averting further accidents. Caution signs were reinforced around the area to ensure safety.

Follow-up Actions

Workplace safety protocols were thoroughly reviewed and reinforced to prevent such onboard accidents. Sarah Johnson, the designated investigating officer, took charge of overseeing the follow-up actions. The report was reviewed by Emily Thompson, the Manager of Health and Safety, ensuring a comprehensive and timely resolution.

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