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Policy on Inter-department Transfers Notice HR

Policy on Inter-department Transfers Notice

Effective Date: [Effective Date]


The purpose of this Policy on Inter-department Transfers Notice ("Policy") is to establish comprehensive guidelines and procedures for employees within [Your Company Name] ("Company") who are considering or involved in inter-department transfers. This policy is designed to ensure a fair and transparent process for employees to explore new opportunities within the organization.


This Policy applies to all full-time and part-time employees of the Company who have completed a minimum of [Minimum Service Duration] with the Company and who are interested in transferring to another department within the organization. It sets out the steps, responsibilities, and expectations for both employees and the HR Department during the inter-department transfer process.

Inter-department Transfer Process

  1. Eligibility

Employees who have completed a minimum of [Minimum Service Duration] with the Company are eligible to apply for inter-department transfers. This requirement ensures that employees have gained sufficient experience within the Company before considering a change in their role or department.

  1. Application

Employees interested in transferring to another department must complete an Inter-department Transfer Application Form. This form is available from the HR Department and must be submitted to [HR Contact Name] in HR. The application form should include:

  • Employee's name and employee ID.

  • Current department and position.

  • Desired department and position.

  • Reason for the transfer request, outlining career goals, skills, and contributions they believe they can bring to the new department.

  • Any relevant qualifications, certifications, or training that support the transfer request.

  1. Consideration

The HR Department will review transfer requests in consultation with the respective department heads. Consideration will be given to factors such as the employee's performance history, skills, qualifications, and the availability of positions in the desired department. Department heads may also provide input on the suitability of the transfer based on their department's needs.

  1. Notification

Upon approval or denial of the transfer request, the HR Department will notify the employee in writing within [Notification Period] of receiving the application. If additional time is required for consideration, the employee will be informed of the delay and provided with an estimated timeline for a decision.

  1. Acceptance

If the transfer request is approved, the employee will be provided with a written offer letter specifying the terms and conditions of the transfer. This letter will include details such as the effective date of the transfer, any changes in compensation or benefits, and expectations for reporting to the new department.

  1. Orientation

Employees who accept an inter-department transfer will receive orientation and training relevant to their new role and department. This orientation will help employees integrate seamlessly into their new work environment and provide them with the necessary tools and information to succeed in their new position.


  1. Employees

  • Employees are responsible for initiating the inter-department transfer process by completing the Inter-department Transfer Application Form accurately and providing all required information.

  • They must actively participate in the interview process, which may involve meetings with both HR and the hiring department.

  • Employees should commit to any training or orientation sessions required for the new department to ensure a smooth transition.

  1. HR Department

  • The HR Department is responsible for processing transfer requests promptly and efficiently.

  • HR will conduct interviews with employees applying for transfers to assess their qualifications and alignment with the desired department.

  • HR will communicate with the employee regarding the status of their transfer request, providing clear and timely updates on the progress of their application.

  1. Department Heads

  • Department heads play a vital role in collaborating with HR to assess the suitability of transfer requests.

  • They should provide input on the transfer based on the department's needs, ensuring that the move aligns with the organization's goals.

  • Department heads should also facilitate the integration of the transferring employee into the new department, assigning mentors or resources as needed.


Inter-department transfers within [Your Company Name] are encouraged as they contribute to employee development and organizational growth. This comprehensive Policy is designed to facilitate a fair and transparent process for employees interested in exploring new opportunities within the company. It reflects our commitment to providing employees with a clear pathway to professional growth and encourages a culture of continuous learning and development.

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