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Finance Credit Service Level Agreement


This Service Level Agreement ("Agreement") is entered into on [Month, Day, Year] by and between [Your Company Name] ("Service Provider") and [Your Client / Subscriber / User Name] ("Client") (collectively, “the Parties”).

1. Description of Services

The Service Provider is engaged in the business of providing Finance Credit Services and henceforth would provide such services to the Client.

2. Performance Metrics

The Service Provider agrees to deliver services with specific metrics that include processing time for loan applications should not exceed [48] hours, a customer support response time of not more than [24] hours, and a loan approval rate of [90%] or higher.

3. Responsibilities and Duties

The Service Provider's responsibilities include prompt processing of loan applications; providing necessary feedback to Client, and maintaining confidentiality over Client's information. The Client agrees to provide accurate and necessary details for loan processing, prompt payment of due amounts, and abide by all terms and conditions of the agreed finance credit services.

4. Quality Benchmarks

The Service Provider shall provide the Services in a manner consistent with general standards and criteria in the industry and will endeavor to provide the Services without errors or interruptions; however, the Service Provider does not guarantee that the Services will always function without delays, disruptions, or imperfections.

5. Payments

The Client agrees to make prompt payments as per the agreed plan and rates, the details of which will be provided in the annexure to this agreement. Failure to make timely payments could incur penalties as per the agreed terms.

6. Termination

Either party may terminate this Agreement with a written notice of [30] days. Upon termination, the Client shall pay any outstanding dues or fees.

7. Dispute Resolution

In case of any disputes arising out of this Agreement, both Parties agree to resolve the matter amicably, failing which the matter will be resolved through arbitration.

This Agreement is binding and entered into as of the date first above written.



[Your Company Name]


[Your Client / Subscriber / User Name]