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Financial Risk Allocation Form


Client Name: 

[Your Client / Subscriber / User Name]

Client Email:

[Your Client / Subscriber / User Email]


[Month, Day, Year]

A. Investment Objectives and Risk Tolerance

  1. Investment Objectives (Select one)

    • Growth

    • Income

    • Growth and Income

    • Preservation of Capital

    • Speculation

  2. Investment Horizon (Select one)

    • Short-term (less than 3 years)

    • Medium-term (3-10 years)

    • Long-term (more than 10 years)

  3. Risk Tolerance (Select one)

    • Low - Prefers minimal loss of principal. Accepts lower returns.

    • Moderate - Willing to accept some risk for potential higher returns.

    • High - Willing to accept significant risk for potential higher returns.

  4. Experience with Financial Products (Select one)

    • None

    • Limited (e.g., stocks, bonds)

    • Good (e.g., options, futures)

    • Extensive (e.g., derivatives, foreign exchange)

  5. Financial Situation

    Annual Income: _________________________

    Net Worth (excluding primary residence): _________________________

  6. Investment Preferences (Please specify)

    Preferred investment types: _________________________

    Any specific sectors or industries: _________________________

    Any excluded investment types: _________________________

B. Risk Allocation

  1. Allocation of Assets

    Equities: ________ %

    Fixed Income: ________ %

    Cash and Equivalents: ________ %

    Alternatives: ________ %

    Other: ________ %

  2. Liquidity Needs

    Immediate liquidity required:

    • Yes

    • No

    Percentage of portfolio to be easily liquidated: ________ %

  3. Special Considerations

    Are there any specific risks you wish to avoid?

    • Yes

    • No

    If yes, please specify: ________________________________________________


I hereby confirm that the information provided is accurate and reflects my investment objectives and risk tolerance. I understand the inherent risks involved in the selected investments.

Client Signature: ___________________

Date: [Month, Day, Year]

Advisor Use Only

Advisor Name: [Your Name]

Advisor Email: [Your Email]

Date Reviewed: [Month, Day, Year]
