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Financial Statement Policy

Financial Statement Policy


The purpose of this Financial Statement Policy is to set forth guidelines for the preparation, presentation, and disclosure of [Your Company Name]' financial statements to ensure accuracy, transparency, and compliance with International Financial Reporting Standards (IFRS) and other applicable financial reporting regulations.


This policy applies to all financial statements prepared by [Your Company Name], including, but not limited to, the balance sheet, income statement, statement of cash flows, and statement of changes in equity.


  • Accuracy: All financial statements shall present an accurate and fair view of the company’s financial position and performance.

  • Consistency: Accounting policies shall be consistently applied throughout the financial statements and from one reporting period to the next.

  • Transparency: Full disclosure of all material financial information shall be provided, ensuring clarity and understanding for stakeholders.

  • Compliance: Financial statements shall comply with IFRS and any other applicable financial reporting standards and laws.


  • Finance Department: Responsible for the preparation and accuracy of the financial statements, ensuring they comply with this policy, IFRS, and other applicable standards.

  • External Auditors: To audit and verify the accuracy and compliance of the financial statements annually.

  • Management: To review and approve the financial statements before they are published and ensure adequate internal controls are in place for financial reporting.

Reporting Procedures

  • Data Collection and Analysis: The Finance Department shall gather all relevant financial data, ensuring its accuracy and completeness.

  • Preparation of Statements: Financial statements shall be prepared in accordance with IFRS and reviewed by management.

  • Audit and Approval: The prepared statements shall be audited by external auditors and then submitted to management for approval.

  • Disclosure and Publication: Approved financial statements shall be disclosed to stakeholders and published as per regulatory requirements.

Review and Amendments

This policy shall be reviewed annually and amended as necessary to ensure continued compliance with evolving financial reporting standards and regulations.

Policy Violation

Violations of this policy may result in disciplinary action, up to and including termination of employment.

Prepared by: [Your Name]

Date: [Month Day, Year]

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