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Notice Letter to Landlord

Notice Letter To Landlord

October 2, 2050



This letter serves as a formal Notice of Termination of my current lease agreement for the property located at [PROPERTY ADDRESS]. By the terms outlined in our lease agreement, I am providing you with a 30-day notice expressing my intent to vacate the property by November 2, 2050.

Please consider this letter as my willingness to cooperate fully during this transition to ensure a smooth process. I will make the property available for showing to potential new tenants as per our agreement, given reasonable notice.

Security Deposit: As required, I expect the full return of my security deposit of [AMOUNT] within 30 days after I have vacated the premises, provided there are no substantial damages beyond normal wear and tear.

I am grateful for the experience I have had in this property and your cooperation as a landlord during my tenancy. Please let me know of any information or steps required on my part during this notice period.

Thank you for your prompt attention to this matter.



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